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Tips for young people

Suicidal feelings

You are not alone if you're feeling so depressed that you can't see a way out. Many people have experienced this and, with support, have been able to overcome it. There is a lot of support available for you, no matter how horrible you are feeling right now.

What is suicidal  feelings?

To occasionally feel depressed and unhappy is a normal aspect of life. 

However, if those emotions have grown extremely strong and overwhelming and you are unsure of how to handle them, you might believe that the only option is to commit suicide. However, there is still hope for you, and you can overcome this.

Many people experience suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, so you are not the only one who feels this way. In fact, one in four young people, according to Papyrus, is thought to have had suicidal thoughts. 

It's important for you to understand that there are lot of approaches to coping with and getting through these emotions. Coming out the other side and feeling fine once more is achievable.


What causes these feelings?

Anyone can feel suicidal for any reason. You might experience suicidal feelings if you:

  • are depressed or have another mental illness

  • struggle with low self-esteem

  • struggle with a physical health problem or chronic pain

  • use drugs or alcohol, especially when you’re upset

  • feel anxious about pressures you face today or in the future

  • feel under pressure from family or your peers

  • feel alone and as if nobody cares about you

  • feel trapped and unable to escape from a situation

  • have experienced a traumatic event, or a difficult life experience

Suicidal feelings can in rare cases be a side effect of certain mental health medications.

If you start to experience suicidal feelings soon after starting medication for your mental health, speak to your GP, psychiatrist or pharmacist immediately.

To find out more, have a look at our medications pages.


Having suicidal feelings can be really scary, but support is available and you can get through it. Your doctor may suggest:

  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

  • other forms of therapy, such as creative therapy

  • medication

The important thing is to find what feels right for you. Your doctor, therapist or counsellor can help you with this.

Life coaching

Tips from our team

Our community and other young people share their tips and advice on feelings of suicide.

It's a good idea to talk to someone you trust, such as a relative, friend, or teacher, if you've been considering suicide. Even with someone you trust, talking to someone might be intimidating, so you might find it beneficial to plan what to say in advance.

There are secure online communities like The Mix and confidential helplines like the Samaritans where you can seek support from trained individuals who care about you and want to see you feel better if you don't feel like talking to anybody you know.

Focus on your senses, especially what you can see, hear, feel, and taste. Say the following things aloud. If the thoughts are difficult for you to handle, this can assist divert you.

Talking to someone about your mental health might occasionally feel awkward or challenging, and you might not always get the response you desire. If this is the case, though, try not to let one negative encounter discourage you. There are individuals who want to listen to you and help, and your feelings are valid.

More information & support 

A girl feeling sad


Image by Uday Mittal



Image by Kat J

Self harm

Image by Adrian Swancar

Get help now


Offers confidential advice and support for young people struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Its helpline service - HOPELINEUK - is available to anybody under the age of 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts, or anybody concerned that a young person could be thinking of suicide.

Opening times:

9am – midnight, 365 days a year

0800 068 4141



Whatever you're going through, you can contact the Samaritans for support. N.B. This is a listening service and does not offer advice or intervention.

Opening times:



You are not alone...

We can assist you whether you want to learn more about how you're feeling and discover strategies for feeling better or if you want to support someone who is having a hard time.


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